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Vocal Jazz Language
online classes

"Aren't face-to-face classes better?" is the most frequent question I get asked. The answer is yes, of course. But it's not always possible, there isn't always a school or a teacher, or the right environment or time.

However, online classes have some curious advantages, such as the comfort of our home, free from bureaucracy, no commitments, meeting singers from all over the world, recording classes, among others.

More important than this for me is providing my students with a safe, kind and relaxed environment where they can explore their love of singing with joy, thus developing their technical and emotional musical skills. Always with one goal, which is to have fun while creating art.

Claudia Franco has a deep knowledge of singing and voice of both style and technique.

She also has a broad knowledge of jazz and how to perform and improvise.


In the workshop she manages to make it accessible to students of various levels.

She stimulates them to progress by encouraging them to sing and try new ideas with respectful and precise feedback on aspects to improve.


All this in enjoyable classes where her spontaneity and joy are contagious.

Bego Deirin, Spain

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